Over the course of my 40-year career as a professional dancer, educator, researcher, and mentor, I have explored the body as the repository of desire, ancestral history, memory, and wisdom. Using a non-dualistic approach, body and mind are paired with movement science, somatic principles, empathy, and activism in all my physical, artistic and research practices.
I invite you to explore my projects below.

Movement is our native response to the world that surrounds us. It is a human experience filtered by our stored consciousness and cultures. Understanding one’s true inner potential translates into kinetic efficiency, wellbeing, and most important, joyful acceptance of who we are and where we stand in our multiple kinetic worlds. These are the anchors of my movement workshops.

Understanding yourself as a human being requires learning about others different than you. Since 2008, I have taken students to my native Brazil to learn the African Influences in the Brazilian Culture of the Northeast. Through this intensely rich experiential learning experience students reflect, analyze, and reshape their understandings of their contributions to the world as citizen artists.